Fibromyalgia: Science vs. Myth
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, fibromyalgia is a condition that causes generalized body pain, muscle tenderness, fatigue, distress, and even cognitive problems, but it is still widely misunderstood.
MYTH: Fibromyalgia is all in your head. This is a common misconception that is discrediting to fibromyalgia patients who experience the pain and neurological symptoms of this often-debilitating condition.
SCIENCE: Fibromyalgia is a real and complex condition. According to the National Fibromyalgia Association (NFA), although fibromyalgia isn't fully understood, most researchers agree that abnormal sensory processing in the central nervous system causes the condition.
SCIENCE: Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition with no known cure. According to the National Institute of Arthritis and Neuromusculoskeletal and Skin Disease (NIAMS), fibromyalgia is a rheumatic condition like arthritis and the pain may last a lifetime. As the Arthritis Foundation has noted, there's no quick fix or cure for fibromyalgia pain.
SCIENCE: Fibromyalgia often affects the whole body. The Mayo Clinic reports that the ache of fibromyalgia pain often occurs throughout the body; on both left and right sides, and from head to toe. Many people with fibromyalgia also feel constant fatigue, have trouble sleeping, and may experience depression or other problems.
MYTH: Fibromyalgia can only be treated with medication. Fibromyalgia can be treated with medication, and it can also be treated by other means. In a recent study of patients with fibromyalgia who were referred to the Mayo Clinic Fibromyalgia Treatment Program, 39.3% of patients reported using chiropractic treatments as a complementary and integrative therapy for managing their condition.
SCIENCE: Chiropractic treatment offers a drug-free method of reducing the pain of fibromyalgia. In addition to providing hands-on treatment, our chiropractic care will also include gentle home exercises to improve mobility and flexibility, and could also include acupuncture. A study reported in the journal Rheumatology International suggests that acupuncture may provide some relief to certain sufferers. Chiropractic care can help to improve your quality of sleep, increase energy levels, and minimize or prevent the recurrence of flare-ups.
SCIENCE: Fibromyalgia affects millions of people. The NIAMS notes that fibromyalgia affects an estimated 5 million adults, and 80 to 90 percent of these are women.